Brewster Academy
Admissions Office

K-12 Education:
High Schools & Technical Centers

After careful listening and vision planning sessions, together we determined the best solution for the Brewster Academy Admissions Department was its expansion and relocation. Honoring the Academy’s history and remaining true to creating a proper first impression, the 3,300 sf program is organized about the structural grid of a vaulted timber roof frame, anchored at one end by views of the lake, and overlooking an active, 3 story circulation hub on the opposite end. Offices are supported by flexible furniture pods, each providing meeting, greeting, and working space depending on daily and seasonal activity levels.

To accommodate the Admissions program, a centralized mezzanine overlook was closed and a floor was added, creating additional area while providing acoustic separation from the active Learning Center below. Materials are clean and timeless: wood, glass, natural stone and a unique, offset carpet pattern.

Finishing touches include abundant technology, iPad sign out stations, a full marketing and print shop, mini bistro, and a subtle abstract window film composition that draws inspiration from the natural surroundings while providing privacy for the offices beyond.