Boys & Girls Club of Manchester
Edward S. Wolak Clubhouse Annex

K-12 Education:
Primary & Intermediate Schools

Inspired by their mission, “to reach out to all youth, especially those who need us most, inspiring them to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring individuals”, the Manchester Boys and Girls Club sought out to expand their Union Street Clubhouse.

The Edward S. Wolak Clubhouse Annex is a 4,000 square-foot facility that houses programs for kindergarteners and first graders. New spaces – which includes classrooms, multi-purpose room, offices and exterior play space – have been designed to foster early childhood development. Thoughtful planning allowed for the site, located in a heavy urban environment, to play host to outdoor space that is both secure and flexible. Strategically connected to the adjacent existing playground, staff are provided with clear sightlines to all children.