City of Dover
New Police Headquarters
Civic + Cultural | Municipal:
Justice | Public Safety
The Dover Police Headquarters has been in its current location since 1935. Not only has the city doubled in size since then, but advances in technology, office environments, and policing have changed immensely. Lavallee Brensinger Architects, in association with Architects Design Group, were hired to envision a new home for the fastest growing city in New Hampshire. The team provided programming, site selection, and conceptual design services to ensure thoughtful consideration had been made to building size, appropriate location, and contextual design.
The New Police Headquarters houses: Booking and Intake, Code Enforcement, Criminal Investigations Division, Emergency Operations Center, Evidence, Police Administration, Professional Services, Records, and Uniform Patrol. Attached to a new parking garage, serving both the public and law enforcement, a secured portion of the parking deck is dedicated to a sally port and cruiser storage.