School Administrative Unit (SAU) 43
Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center Renovation & Addition
K-12 Education:
High Schools & Technical Centers
Lavallee Brensinger was engaged by School Administrative Unit (SAU) 43 to design improvements to Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center. The project will incorporate renovation and new construction.
SAU 43 and the community did an exceptional job garnering project support: the bond vote passed with 82% voter support. Two project phases will separate funding sources: federal funding from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund will provide a new mechanical system for the project, while the NH DOE will cover up to 75% of through their biennial application process, and the community will bond what remains.
All 9 of their CTE programs will be updated, including automotive, business, cosmetology, emergency medical services, engineering, licensed nursing assistant, natural resources, plant and animal science, and welding.