Category: Our Team

Steve Clayman Speaks at the Medical Education Facilities Conference

Steve Clayman, Vice President at Lavallee Brensinger Architects and head of Optimal-Use, will be speaking on Improving Healthcare Environments at the MED ED Facilities Conference in Boston on April 2, 2014. Improving Healthcare Environments: Designing Spaces and Places Through Process Analysis session will review how a scientific methodology can be used to evaluate and solve […]

Dale Doller Recipient of a 2014 AIANH Outstanding Service Award

Dale Doller, AIA of Lavallee Brensinger Architects was honored for his committed leadership of the AIA New Hampshire Chapter and his service to the profession of architecture. Dale has served on the AIANH Board of Directors since 2008 and has served on other building industry boards throughout his career. His positive outlook, clear direction, concern […]

Steve Clayman Speaks at the Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference

Steve Clayman, Vice President with Lavallee Brensinger and head of Optimal-Use, will be speaking on Breaking Down Department Barriers to Improve Utilization at the Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference in Orlando, FL. Clayman has helped clients create effective healthcare environments for over 25 years. In addition to being board certified by the American College of Healthcare […]

Danielle Santos Selected for the Boston Chamber Future Leaders Program

The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce has selected Lavallee Brensinger Architects Associate Danielle Santos to join Boston’s Future Leaders (BFL) for 2014. The Chamber established BFL in 2004 as an opportunity to identify mid-level executives with strong leadership potential, and provide them with opportunities to engage in the region’s business and civic communities. Congratulations to […]